
Political Connection by thinkingblue

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Precious Memories

Ignorant Nightmare!

What Causes Depression

Alabama Legal Murder

#presidentnutball to Destroy Renewables

GOP is Rotting Away

2 Patriots

Lest We Forget Heather Heyer

GOP Owns Frankenstein Trump

Dear Red States

Reason Won in France

America Is the New ISIS

Too Important Not To Share

Trump's Finale Chapter

Putin's Wet Dream

22 Tweets

Ponzi Schemes' Newest Victim

Whispers of an Unthinkable Past

Trump Bullying World, One Continent At A Time

Interview with Madness

Women's March For What It's Worth

They Don't Care

Front Page Trumpenfuhrer News

Dodo Bird and TrumpenFuhrer

Crowder Soup

The Grief We Feel 2017

An Israel American's Opinion about Donald Trump

The Election of Donald Trump and the Clan Mentality

America, Home of the Persecutors

Thoughts on a Trump Win


Nervous Breakdown Over Donald Trump

Miscreant Trump

Bully in Chief

How to Lose 1 B $$

Trump's Hair

Dead Baby Refugee

Internet Trolls

Best Food To Cleanse Lungs

Happy Birthday Hertha

Best Prince Eulogy

OR Perversion

Donald Trump Spills GOP Beans

RIP Women's Rights

Election Reality Thoughts

Ted Cruz's Face

Feel the Bern or Feel the Fade

Wealth Inequality

Pres. Obama To Pick SCOTUS Justice

Don't Tread on Me and Send Snacks

Political Bubble



Obamacare Over?

FDR's Unforgettable Speech 1936

Y'all Qaeda

Trump Terrorism

Support for Legal Abortion

Hateful Governor Otter

Planned Parenthood's Real Killers

Syrian Refugees to Rabid Dogs

Terrorists' Guns

Bibi Beats Westboro Baptist

Trump Sounds His Trump-et

I'm Convinced It's Bernie Sanders

Murdered Common Sense

Ben Carson, Mensa, Densa

IRS Scam Call

Georgia Murdered A Woman

Fiorina's Biggest Lie

Theocratic America

Donald Trump Soars

Repulican Murica

GOP To Defund PP

Huckabee Oven

GOP Swiftboating 2015

Lazy Poor Myth

Southern Influence

Vietnam/Iraq 101

Clarence Thomas's Antebellum South

Reality Challenged Jeb

SCOTUS Rules Thumbs Up

NRA's Despicable Grasp On America

Climate Change Hoax

Lazy Workers, Pedophiles

Paranoia Will Destroya

Harriet Tubman on $20

African Justice Tale

27 Mill Under the Bus

Nellie Bly Message 2015

SCOTUS, Kindergarteners?

GOP Stupid News

Adelson Pimps

Shootout At Us Census Bureau

Light-Skin Cops

Mike Pence Dog Won't Hunt

Indiana's New Religious Law

The Monolithic God

Phil Robertson Barks Again

7 Children Die In Tragic Fire

GOP Out For Blood

GOP Cuts, Cuts

Bibi Netanyahu

47 GOP Members

50 Year Bloody Sunday

GOP Bad Meds

Easy Pickens Under The Law

Boehner's Bomb

911 Centers Outdated

Buyer Beware - Medical News

Bill O, Claims He Doesn't Lie

Walmart Gluttony Award

John Boehner Spills Beans

Oh Boy Not Roy

Pres Obama Crusade

Atheist Parenting Better

Spreading of Hate On Facebook

Bill Maher Neocon Sniper

American Neocon Sniper

Simple Questions 2015

Frank Serpico 2015

ISIS 101 Pigeon Madness

Pope Francis' Punch to Religious Satire

Pocketful of Madness

Free Community College

I Am Charlie :'(


Fox News Off Air

GOP Peace on Earth

Fox News NYPD Propaganda

Hackers Iran, China and Russia, OH MY.

Canadians Ask America, Why Now?

Is Your Son Next?

GOP Motto: Starve Underdog

Another NRA Notch

How Republican Moderates Shamefully Cow

Republican Plan - GET SICK AND DIE!

Capitalistic Gizmo Saves A Life

Ryan Wins After All


R's Haven't A Clue About 'Peace On Earth Goodwill Toward Humankind'

Not even the holidays will deter the spreading of hate by Republicans (and Fox News) who capitalize on the sorrow and tragedy of others. They have no notion of the words “Peace on Earth Goodwill Toward Humankind”. There is no money and power in that. Facebook wants to know how I feel:

SAD, at all the hatred, those who quest for complete control over others, spread across the land.

Read more of the "R's" hateful proliferations here.


5 Outrageous Right-Wing Reactions to the Tragic NYPD Shootings

Conservative pundits and pols blamed the tragedy on everyone from protesters to the president.


1) Rudy Giuliani, a man who has repeatedly proved that there is no politically cynical low to which he will not stoop, blamed President Obama for the shootings. Appearing on “Fox News Sunday” Giuliani stated, “We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police.”

He went on to bring up the right’s favorite red herring, black-on-black crime, before stating that “the people who do the most for the black community in America are the police."

He also suggested that Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the Rev. Al Sharpton have all, in criticizing systemic inequalities in policing and criminal justice, created "an atmosphere of severe, strong anti-police hatred in certain communities."

2) Tucker Carlson proved his bowtie was tied a little too tightly during an appearance on “Fox and Friends” on Sunday night. Carlson initially stated that he didn’t want to “start speculating about why this happened or casting blame unfairly. Again, we know who pulled the trigger, he is ultimately responsible.”

He then went on to speculate and cast blame, saying, “[I]t’s such an emotional thing, it’s so wrong, immoral, unfair, that it’s almost hard not to point at some of the people who have been whipping race hatred in this country for the past couple of months, and saying, you know, they do bear some responsibility for this.”

The pundit and his TV “friends” went on to play a clip that made more specific which leaders Carlson was referring to: Obama, Atty. Gen. Holder and Rev. Al Sharpton.

Carlson wrapped up the segment by going after President Obama for ever having associated with Sharpton in any context, ever: “For [President Obama] to embrace Sharpton, who is just an open bigot and a criminal and a tax cheat, who’s been whipping up race hatred in New York for all these decades. For the president of the United States to embrace this guy as a personal friend, and adviser, to show up at the NAN meetings, to have him in the White House again, and again, and again, and again, to endorse his message....Boy, no wonder you’ve got craziness going on in the streets.”

3) Convicted felon and right-wing blowhard Bernard Kerik penned a piece for TIME in which he stated there’s a “war on cops” that is “as dangerous as any global enemy we face” — including “ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban” and other “radical extremists.”

Kerik’s crazy gets nuttier from there, with the crooked ex-cop suggesting that “some in the media,” Sharpton and de Blasio have been convincing people that “nearly all of America’s local and state police are out to kill minorities.”

Kerik states that “it’s a lie that has inflamed the hearts and minds of many and turned them against every cop in the nation. It’s a lie that has the potential to rip America at its seams and cause damage far worse than any attack on our country, including that on 9/11/2001. It’s a lie that has caused protests and riots all over this nation, communities to be burned to the ground, police officers to be attacked and beaten, and horribly, two New York City police officers to be assassinated.”


Space Exploration Anew

Feeding Homeless and Hungry Will Land You In Jail

Sunday Video of Enlightenment

Koch Brother Boots

Our Democracy Is For Sale

Oregon's Death With Dignity Act

No Politicking In Space

Ebola Healthcare Workers Treated Worse Than The Virus

Rick Scott's Death Penalty

Humanity, A Virus With Shoes

Kruger: Ice Cream Cones NO Guns YES

Ebola Facts Before Watching Fox News

Religious Hypocrisy of the Catholic Church

The Shame of Belonging to a Party of Dirty tricks

Facts About Ebola But Afraid To Ask

Reverend Asshole of Lake City, Florida

Live Beyond Age 75, Maybe

I Want To Live In Rick Scott's Florida

2 Peas In A Pod Politics

Move Over East Germany, Americans Are the Most Spied Upon

2 Peas In A Pod Politics

Wisdom From an 80 Something

The Invisible Ones

Dollar Wars

Listen Up GOP Voters

Rick Perry's Bad Memory

Republicans and the Weaker Sex

9 Year Old Learns To Kill

NRA Going After
Gun Control Adovocate

SIS - Terrorists Or Just Plain Idiots

Tribute to Robin Williams

Genghis Khan And Isis

Jim Crow Alive and Well

How Fake Fox News

Sarah Palin Standup

Guns For Blind People

War On Whites

The Empathetic Animal

War huh yeah, What is it good for?

Picture That Says It All

Fallout From The Unnecessary Iraq War

Hidden Slaves

Man Refuses To Hate

Hateful America

Behind Israel/Hamas Bloody War

Immigrant Kids Fight To Stay Alive

Supreme Feud - Religion vs. Reality

Using American Flag to Spread HATE

Tea Party Stop Immigrant Children

Hobby Lobby Wins Democracy Loses

Colorado Pot Update

Nothing But Guinea Pigs

To Be or Not To Be Gay

Not One More

Fake Christian

Dear NRA Defenders

Move Over Pat

GOP Reaching Out To Blacks

GOP On The Run

GOP Empty-Heads

The Way of the Dodo


3 Bushes You're Out

The Christian Court of the USA

Super Stamper

Death Penalty IMHO

America's Shame

Tea Party's

The Bad, The Vile
and The YIKES!

Whole Lotta Batty

Impeachment Fever

Unbelievable Trial

Big As Limbaugh's Mouth

Hypocrite of the day

Chales Murray White

Liam Neeson Muslim

Limbaugh Angry Over Colbert

Stamp Money Out
Of Politics!

Makers vs Takers

Thank You!

Noah's Ark

7,000,000 Deaths

SCOTUS To Hear Religious Case

Science Deniers Beware

Scientology Nonsense

Putin, In the Words of Jefferson

St Patrick's Day Exclusion

Keeping The Poor, Poor!

Ted Cruz, Addresses The Wackiest

Paul Ryan Helping the Poor

Colorado's Last Hurrah

Bill Maher Rips Facebook

Mammogram Rebutt

National Shame

Wasted Words on Ann Coulter

Republicans Lie About Minimum Wages

Bible Belt Shame

Anatomy of a Bigot

2 Murderers Not Found Guilty

Mammograms More
Harm Than Good

Syrian People Flee
For Their Lives

Have You Met A Nice

Coming To a City
Near You